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Elementary Curriculum

What is a curriculum map?

Curriculum maps are one way we are able to provide curriculum and instruction transparency for all stakeholders. Curriculum maps describe by content what students will experience over the course of their schooling.  They are guidelines that share what we teach at each grade level.  Learning targets/standards, instructional materials and techniques, and when/what we are assessing are shared in a curriculum map. 

The delivery of instruction by teachers may vary slightly as they make instructional decisions based on how their students are performing.  Our Units of Study are written to ensure all students across the district have access to high academic standards and expectations. 

It is important to note that a curriculum map is not a daily lesson plan.  Teachers use their detailed lesson plans to create the curriculum map scope and sequence.  Teachers have the professional latitude to differentiate instruction to meet the individual needs of students as needed.

The grade level curriculum will be updated weekly by 2 PM every Friday.

Elementary curriculum is based on the Iowa Core Standards and Units of Study.  We currently have SuperKids materials for K-2 English Language Arts (ELA), Read Side by Side for 3rd grade ELA, Portland Writing Units for K-5, Go Math materials K-5, TCI materials for Social Studies K-5, and FOSS Science kits K-5 as foundational curriculum materials to use as parts of the Units of Study.

Second Grade

Third Grade

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Iowa Core Standards